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Referral Resources List

Pastoral & Biblical Counseling Support in Santa Maria
Community Referral Resources List


Local: Orcutt Family Health Center

Contact Information: (805) 925-4393

Web Address:

The office offers safe and affordable housing opportunities for low-income families, persons with disabilities, and elderly residents in the Orcutt area.

State: California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)

Contact Information: (916) 263-2771

Web Address:

The office offers a wide range of programs and services for individuals who need housing assistance across the state. They focus on providing information on affordable housing, tenant rights, homeless prevention, and more.

National: Habitat for Humanity

Contact Information: (800) 422-4828

Web Address:

The office operates across the United States to build and repair homes for low-income families and provide affordable homeownership opportunities for those in financial need.


Local: Foodbank of Santa Barbara County

Contact Information: (805) 967-5741

Web Address:

The office’s goal is to end hunger and promote health of local community through quality nutrition. They also strive to resolve fundamental issues of hunger by delivering nutrition education and community resilience programs.

State: CalFresh

Contact Information: (805) 346-7135

Web Address:

The office aims to assist low-income families and individuals who desire to enhance grocery budgets and options to provide healthy and nutritious foods for their loved ones. The applicants must meet federal income eligibility rules.

National: Feeding America

Contact Information: (800) 771-2303

Web Address:

The office works with food banks, food pantries, and local meal programs to help individuals who need food and essential resources to sustain healthy lifestyles.

Financial Assistance

Local: CRRSBC: Children’s Resource & Referral of Santa Barbara County

Contact Information: (805) 925-7071

Web Address:

The office delivers financial assistance for low-income families and provides various subsidy programs to assist many families in Santa Barbara County paying for children’s essential child care program, including ensuring children to ensure kindergarten with little to no financial burden.

State: California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids (CalWORK)

Contact Information: (866) 404-4007

Web Address:

The office is a welfare program that aims to break the cycle of poverty by offering various services and cash aid to families in need. They serve fifty-eight counties in California through local welfare departments. The families who meet eligibility will receive monthly financial assistance to cover housing expense, food and other essential expenses.

National: National Veterans Financial Resource Center

Contact Information: (800) 698-2411

Web Address:

The office aims to assist Veterans who need essential financial resources to cover essential expenses such as food, clothing, housing, and more. The office’s goal is to increase Veterans’ mental health by promoting financial well-being and improve their financial management skills by sharing useful tools and resources.


Local: Orcutt Family Health Center

Contact Information: (805) 332-8155

Web Address:

The office offers holistic outpatient services to families and individuals who are in need. They strive to support local communities by assisting patients who lack adequate health insurance and reduce the financial burden for those with household income below four hundred percent of the Federal Poverty Level. The office provides free counseling to determine appropriate level of financial aid.

State: Healthy Families

Contact: (800) 880-5305

Web Address:

The office aims to assist children and teens who are not eligible for Medi-Cal. They provide low-cost insurance to ensure the vulnerable demographic group have access to necessary medical support as necessary.

National: Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Contact: (877) 464-4772

Web Address:

The office provide support for families and individuals with low incomes. They primarily focus groups are pregnant women, individuals in rural communities, vulnerable age groups, and workforce exposed to hazardous environment. The office provides assistance in comprehensive clinical areas, including medical, dental, mental, and more.

Substance Abuse

Local: Santa Barbara County Alcohol, Drug, and Mental Health Services

Contact Information: (888) 868-1649

Web Address:

The office offers diverse treatment services to engage with wide range of substance use disorder in Santa Babara County. They coordinate with Drug Medi-Cal program and procure funding to reduce financial responsibility of local community.

State: Drug Medi-Cal Organized Delivery System (DMC-ODS)

Contact Information: (800) 879-2772

Web Address:

The officer assist Medi-Cal members to gain access to appropriate care to achieve recovery promptly. They provide intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient services, residential treatment, recovery service, and partial hospitalization in limited counties.

National: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

Contact Information: (800) 487-4889

Web Address:

The office offers low-cost treatment options for individuals with drugs and alcohol related issues. They offer various financial support, such as grants, scholarships, and connecting with appropriate support groups.

Mental Health

Local: Santa Barbara County Behavioral Wellness

Contact Information: (888) 868-1649

Web Address:

The office aims to serve families and local communities by promoting prevention and recovery from mental illness and various addiction. They primarily serve adults who are eligible for Medi-Cal and diagnosed with mental illness and substance use disorders. The office also assists children with mental and emotional issues.

State: California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA)

Contact Information: (888) 210-2515

 Web Address:

The office serves Californians who need support from the public mental health systems. They aim to strengthen the community by maximizing the opportunities of all social, age, and demographic groups who need access to mental care support.

National: National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI)

Contact Information: (800) 950-6264

Web Address:

The office strives to promote a better life by offering a wide range of support and education for those who are affected by mental illness. They offer a free helpline supported by well experienced volunteers and nationwide support service providing resource referrals for both mentally ill individuals and the caregivers, including family and mental health providers. The helpline also assists teens and young adults by offering direct connection with individuals who possess knowledge or experience of similar difficulty.    

Marital/Relational Issues

Local: Family Service Agency of Santa Barbara

Contact Information: (805) 928-1707

Web Address:

The office aims to promote the well-being of vulnerable families in Santa Barbara County by facilitating their access to essential resources and time sensitive services, including family support services and young and family behavioral health.

State: California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists

Contact Information: (858) 292-2638

Web Address:

The office provides helpline, education, and resources to connect the residents to get connected with professional providers in private practice for couples and families therapy. The benefits are limited to California residents with Medicare.


Contact Information: (866) 831-4201

Web Address:

They serve as a clearinghouse for quality, balanced, and timely information on healthy marriage and relationship education. Their mission is to be a first stop for experts, researchers, policymakers, media, marriage educators, couples, and individuals seeking information and resources related to healthy marriage. Marriage Team provides marriage coaching services via skype or in home. The typical program is an 8-12 week program (depending on each couple’s need), 2-3 hours per week working alongside trained coach couples.


Local: Care Net

Contact Information: (805) 928-9285

Web Address:

The office offers various free-confidential services to promote a healthy pregnancy, including pregnancy tests, parenting classes, ultrasounds, baby store, and post-abortion support. They are also committed to offering accurate and honest information on an array of subjects, including pregnancy symptoms, abortion, adoption, parenting, STDs, and sexual health. They do not offer, recommend or refer for abortions or abortifacients.

State: Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (CPSP)

Contact Information: (833) 422-4255

Web Address:

The office is responsible for delivering a wide range of services for pregnant individuals from conception through sixty days postpartum. They also offer nutrition, health education, and psychosocial services to ensure the safety and wellness of individuals who qualify for Medi-Cal.

National: American Pregnancy Association

Contact Information: (800) 672-2296

Web Address:

The office focuses on promoting pregnancy wellness of all communities in the United States through nationwide network of support, training, and advocacy.


Local: Hospice of Santa Barbara

Contact Information: (805) 563-8820

Web Address:

The office offers a wide range of services in social work, spiritual care, and care services. They serve both patients and families impacted by severe illness and answer questions on social, spiritual, and emotional issues. The office also delivers grief support for families and end of life care for patients.

State: California Hospice and Palliative Care Association: Statewide resources for hospice care.

Contact Information: (916) 925-3770

Web Address:

The office is committed to delivering high-quality hospice services to patients and their families in California. They strive to maximize patients’ access to hospice care by educating families and communities on currently available end-of-life care services across the state of California.

National: National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization

Contact Information: (703) 837-1500

Web Address:

The office delivers free essential resources and information on hospice and palliative care services which assist patients and family members in making informed decisions on appropriate coping strategies to overcome existing challenges.

Immigration/Naturalization Services

Local: Santa Barbara County Immigrant Legal Defense Center

Contact Information: (805) 886-9136

Web Address:

The officer offers pro bono legal services to immigrants who are under the challenging immigrant circumstances, including facing deportation in Santa Barbara County.

State: The California Department of Social Services (CDSS)

Contact Information: (916) 651-8017

Web Address:

The office offers free legal services for individuals residing in California and provides education to immigrant communities. The free legal services cover a wide range of immigration laws and issues on naturalization, deferred action, removal defense, and more.

National: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

Contact: (800) 375-5283

Web Address:

The office oversees and addresses various immigration issues and concerns.

Legal Services

Local: Legal Aid Foundation of Santa Barbara County

Contact: (805) 922-9909

Web Address:

The office is committed to deliver high quality legal services to vulnerable residents, especially low-income families, in Santa Barbara County. Their mission is to ensure equal access to justice for all in the community. The office offer various legal advice, direct representation, and community education.

State: LawHelpCA

Contact: (213) 830-0845

Web Address:

The office is California’s official free legal service resource. They provide updated directory of credible and pre-screened legal organizations that offer free to affordable legal services and representation.

National: Legal Services Corporation (LSC)

Contact: 202-295-1500

Web Address:

The office provides basic civil legal services for those in financial need. They handle legal matters associated with family stability and safety. The office is primarily focus on family law, including child support, housing matters, and domestic violence.